
A few people have asked me recently what chores my kids have. Each day they have their everyday chores and then one assigned chore. I came up with this system in the summer and so far it seems to be working fairly smoothly, although, I can feel that sooner than later we’ll all need new and fresh chore assignments! But for now, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! It’s nothing fancy. Just a piece of paper hung in the kitchen where they can see each day what’s required of them. I’d love to hear/see what other people are doing by the way of chores. I love new ideas. I also love to hear what works for other people. If I’ve found one thing to be true, it’s that there is a season for everything. One chore system that works wonderfully for now may fail miserably in the next. It’s good to always be ready and willing to change things up and learn from others what has and hasn’t worked!

(Please excuse the poor camera job but you get the idea!)

2 thoughts on “Chores

  1. Phew! Good to know I’m not the only *aspiring* photographer!haha, just teasing.Thanks for sharing. Reading the charts made me really miss your kids. Weird… since they don’t even KNOW ME! We’ll have to do something about that.

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