Charlotte Isabelle

Charlotte Isabelle

“Free; God is my Oath”

9lbs 3oz

21 3/4inches



  October 2014 Charlotte 010

October 2014 Charlotte 024


October 2014 Charlotte 032

October 2014 Charlotte 043


October 2014 Charlotte 052

birth story:part 1

This ended up being another successful vba2c only because God is so faithful. At 38 weeks 4 days I had my scheduled ob appointment. We discovered at this appointment that the baby’s head was not head down. We scheduled an ultrasound for the next afternoon to check on baby’s placement. The baby was very much in a frank breech position. Head up, bum down. My doctors contacted mfm to see if they would consider manually turning the baby but because I have a heart shaped uterus the risk was too high. They called me on Thursday and said they would be calling to schedule a c/section for the middle of the next week. At this point I was 38.6. Knowing that my water normally breaks right around 39 I was beginning to panic. I had been doing exercises from since Tuesday and was researching any and all tricks to get baby to turn. I did the exercises, used essential oils (peppermint), and did a lot of praying and crying out to God. On Thursday I decided trying a chiro would be my last ditch effort. I called and the doc said he did specialize in the Webster Technique and would see me today. He and I talked about the success rate at this point and he said it would probably take 2-5 times considering how far along I was. I threw the kids in the car and off we went. I left the chiro and headed to dance class with Kylie. I got home and spent the evening praying. When Tim got home from picking up Maygen from gymnastics I took more time to do more exercises, use more essential oil and pray. I went to bed that night and prayed to God that my water would not break until the baby’s head was down. I woke up the next morning and felt a little pop. At almost 7:00am my water broke. We got things ready and I grabbed a few extra clothes so I was prepared for the extra stay associated with a c/section. We go to the hospital at 8:15. At 9:00 they checked me and the baby was head down and I was 6cm. Tim and I both just stared at each other! God is so amazing. He hears our cries. He is so faithful!!