Maygen’s 1st birthday!

   One year ago today at 5:55pm I delivered a 1 pound 7 ounce 12 1/2 inch baby. She has and still amazes me everyday. She has been such a strong fighter. When she was given no hope of survival the Lord stepped in and saved her life. She was predicted to die in the womb, then the delivery room and then soon after birth…but here we are today at 1 year old!! How awesome. What a great testimony she is. She is the sweetest little girl. She loves to play and she is officially crawling (The g-tube helped with that process!). She loves to smile and laugh at big sis Erin. She is this little bundle of joy who is still only 10 pounds with red hair (still not sure where that came from). She has been through more in this one year than most will ever have to endure. The Lord has made her special and I know she will grow up to serve him. When I sit back and recount the events that took place last year I am still struck with tears. Tears of joy. Tears that mean my baby is here and didn’t die. She is trully a miracle. I just want to say happy birthday to my little girl who is now 1!!!

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Look how far I’ve come!?!?!?

Happy birthday Magyen Nicole!



Our Christmas Tree

tree dark

Another view:


All gifts are wrapped and so far 20 dozen cookies are baked! Tim and Erin cut out the sugar cookies, and Tim and I frosted them. It was nice to do something together that didn’t require leaving the house! I love this time of year:)

No church on a Sunday morning. It’s very weird to be home right now, but Maygen is still not well enough to go out. She is doing better but still has a lot of recovering to do. She wants to sit and not play, she’s only smiled about 5 times in 7 days and she’s very tired. She has been sleeping well except when she has a coughing fit which can last up to 3 hours. They explained that was from the tube in her throat and the anesthesia. She also dry heaves after every feeding. I’m not sure why but I can only guess it’s b/c she’s not used to being full. When they put the g-tube in they also did a procedure called a nissen fundoplication where her stomach was tied off. There is a little room so food can go down but not enough were food can really come back up. This is really good b/c for as much as she’s trying to throw up we’d have NO food in her belly completely defeating the purpose. She has to be fed at 9, 12, 3, 6 and 9 and then continually from 10pm to 8am. During the day she needs to take 70cc by mouth and then if she can’t finish she has to have them tubed. At night 250cc run for the duration of the 10 hours. She is getting a total of 20 ounces of fluid/day. She is only at 24 calorie now and next Thursday will resume her 33 calorie per ounce mixture. She is a strong little one so I know she’ll be up and ‘running’ soon but for now it breaks my heart to see her like this. Please keep her in your prayers.

My ticker says, “28 weeks and 3 days pregnant.” That’s how far I was last year when I delivered Maygen. Hard to believe when I look back on it. What a year…I have her surgery Friday. I hope this G-tube makes all the difference. We need some serious weight gain!