How do you schedule your school day?

For the last 2 years I’ve used HOD and the lessons were already laid out for me. To be quite honest we did science 2 days a week (I think!) but I never paid attention to what days we actually did a history project, science project, art project, etc. I just opened and did what the guide told me to do!

But next year I won’t have “someone” telling me what to do and on what day to do it. So, I plan to teach bible, math, language arts and reading/phonics daily but wondered if/when you add in science, history, writing programs, art, music, etc.? I don’t plan on teaching all that this year. Not at all. I’m just tyring to get an idea how other people schedule their school day? All subjects every day? Some subjects every day other subjects 1-2x week? 4 day a week plan? 5 day a week plan? School year round?

I’m thinking out loud here. Just trying to get my head on straight!

So for those of you who homeschool, what does your day look like?!?!?

One thought on “How do you schedule your school day?

  1. This is what we do and it works for us for now. It helps keep me from being overwhelmed with teaching everything. We begin with Bible. Then we do the day’s “extra subject” together. Monday is Bible memory coloring books, Tuesday is nature study, Wednesday is art, Thursday is music, Friday is a freebie. Next is table work where the kids all work on their math and English/phonics/copywork/whatever . We try to end with our history reading. I hope you blog about what schedule you settle on. And I hope other people comment, too. I love new ideas and inspiration!

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